IFCR Trademark Guidelines
You need our permission to use our logo, name or tagline
Use the form below to request permission to use the IFCR trademarks, including name, logo and tagline.
The IFCR name, logo and tagline are legally protected trademarks owned by the International Foundation for CDKL5 Research (IFCR). As the owner of the IFCR name, logo and tagline, the IFCR has the legal responsibility to protect its trademarks, including all of their various forms and uses. To maintain the credibility and integrity of the IFCR name, logo and tagline as trademarks, the IFCR must protect them from inappropriate use. These guidelines do not give presumptive approval for using the IFCR trademarks.
Right and wrong ways to use the IFCR trademarks
- The IFCR trademarks must be used primarily in connection with fundraising for CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder.
- Any and all proceeds must go to the IFCR.
- It must be stated that your event is being held “in partnership” with the IFCR or that your event is “partnering with” the IFCR.
- The IFCR trademarks may not be used in any way or manner that implies the endorsement of any person, product, program or service.
- No one may manufacture for sale a product containing or featuring the IFCR trademarks. If you wish to create a product as a fundraiser for us, please reach out to us directly.
- Anyone who receives written permission to use the IFCR trademarks incurs an obligation and fiduciary duty to maintain the integrity and consistency of the trademarks. The trademarks may not be altered in anyway.
- The IFCR prohibits doing any business under the IFCR name. No contracts may be signed under the IFCR name. The IFCR is not responsible for any contract disputes and is not liable for any damages, thefts, or injuries at your event.
Correct Usage
“The Neighborhood Walk-a-thon is partnering with the International Foundation for CDKL5 Research (IFCR) to raise funds for CDKL5 research. All funds will go to the IFCR.”
“The Neighborhood Walk-a-thon is being held in partnership with the International Foundation for CDKL5 Research (IFCR) to raise funds for CDKL5 research. All funds will go to the IFCR.”
Incorrect Usage
“The International Foundation for CDKL5 Research (IFCR) is sponsoring our Neighborhood Walk-a-thon! A portion of the proceeds will go to the IFCR.”
“The Neighborhood Walk-a-thon is partnering with the International Foundation for CDKL5 Research (IFCR) to raise funds for CDKL5 research. A portion of the proceeds will go to the IFCR.”
Details you need to know
Use of the IFCR trademarks without approval or in an inappropriate manner may result in legal action. Upon notice from the IFCR, the licensee agrees to discontinue use of the trademarks.
Note: The IFCR reserves the right to rescind any prior approval of a use if the user is not complying with these guidelines and any conditions for use set forth in the approval communication. By applying for permission to use the IFCR trademarks, you acknowledge that right and agree to hold the IFCR harmless from any liability/damage in your exercise of that right in using the IFCR trademarks.
Request Permission Here
By submitting the following form to request permission to use the IFCR trademarks, you agree to the above terms and conditions of use.